DUI and Hit & Run dismissed after Military Diversion

Young woman with an excessive blood alcohol concentration faced DUI and hit and run charges after she crashed into another vehicle resulting in serious injuries to the victim. Upon learning she was actively serving in the military, The Law Offices of Lawrence & Peck petitioned the Court for military diversion which was granted. She successfully completed the program resulting in the dismissal of her case and the sealing of her arrest record.

Verdict: Military Diversion Granted – Case Dismissed!

After decades of success defending their clients, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Lawrence & Peck have distinguished themselves as preeminent attorneys in their field with a series of notable cases. The cases published to their website are some of the case victories that made news headlines and produced undeniably successful results for our clients.

PLEASE NOTE:  Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each representation. Any results portrayed here were dependent on the facts of the particular matters and the results will differ if based on different facts. But you can be sure that if you retain the Law Offices of Lawrence & Peck your case will receive the attention and hard work it requires and deserves.