Mental Health Diversion for Felony Evading of Peace Officer

Diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in his early 20s, a successful Banker and single father with sole custody of his 14-year-old daughter lived a healthy and law-abiding life until he experienced a mental episode in his late 50s.  After suffering from extreme auditory and visual hallucinations for a prolonged period of time, he stripped himself at a local beach and attempted to “cleanse” himself in the water.  Concerned observers contacted law enforcement who arrived and attempted to contact Client who became paranoid and fled in his car causing a dangerous high-speed pursuit before being apprehended. He was charged with several felonies including evading police with the willful disregard for the safety of others.

After several months in jail, his family contacted The Law Offices of Lawrence & Peck seeking help for their loved one who did not recognize them due to his mental break. Our office was retained and advocated for him to be moved to a supportive mental health facility where he received proper treatment and stabilized. Our office successfully petitioned the Court for Mental Health Diversion (Pen. Code, § 1001.36) which was granted and led to the dismissal of all charges. He has since regained custody of his daughter and has resumed his life without the consequences of a conviction. 

Verdict: Mental Health Diversion Granted & Case Dismissed!

After decades of success defending their clients, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Lawrence & Peck have distinguished themselves as preeminent attorneys in their field with a series of notable cases. The following are some of the case victories that made news headlines and produced undeniably successful results for our clients.

PLEASE NOTE:  Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each representation. Any results portrayed here were dependent on the facts of the particular matters and the results will differ if based on different facts. But you can be sure that if you retain the Law Offices of Lawrence & Peck your case will receive the attention and hard work it requires and deserves.